ESIC Medical College & Hospital, Sanathnagar, Hyderabad
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Department of Anatomy, ESIC Medical College

Sanathnagar, Hyderabad


Body donation is the noble gesture. "Service to mankind is the best form of worship. "A Voluntary Body Donation is defined as the act of giving one's Body after death for Medical research and education".

The Department of Anatomy, ESIC Medical College accepts donation of body after death for teaching and scientific advancement. Voluntary Body Donation Form from the Department of Anatomy can be procured.

Submit the duly filled form with signatures of two close relatives as witnesses with two Passport size Photos, and proof of identity (AADHAR card/Voter ID etc.).

After verification of documents by Head of the department, an acknowledgement form and a donor card with registration number is issued in the name of the individual which can be collected from the department.

After donor's death, next kin or near relative should inform the department about the same, for which necessary arrangements for the transportation of the body will be made. The Telephone numbers are indicated below: Tel (off): (040) 67872010, 29803832, 67872099.

Death Declaration Certificate, from a competent medical personal and Xerox copy of Aadhar card, should be handed over by the next of kin, to the Department of Anatomy, ESIC MC.

Body donation is a generous and unselfish act to serve the humanity even after death. It is the supreme and ultimate gift one can give back to society. Your decision to donate your body to science will make a difference and you will be remembered for ever..


Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-07-23



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